Thank you for your interest in participating in the Westmont Lions Foundation Spring Fling Craft & Commercial Vendors portion of the event. To be considered for this event, please fill out this form below completely along with your completed payment so that your submission is received. Your space will be confirmed once your application is processed, approved and payment is received.
1. All crafters/vendors must provide their own tent/display area and any need for tables and chairs.
2. No Power is provided, please ensure to bring battery powered lighting, no generators are allowed.
3. You are in control of your sales, the hours of the event are your hours to be open to the public, you are not required to attend all 3 days or stay all the hours of the event, but the fee is flat and will not change.
Friday May 23rd 4-10:30PM
Saturday May 24th 12-10:30PM
Sunday May 25th 12-9PM
4. This event is 100% outdoors, and only shuts down in cases of severe weather, we will remain open even if there is severe rain at some point within the day until required to shut down by the event organization.
5. All tents are REQUIRED to have #50lbs of canopy weights attached to each leg, if you do not have them, you will be denied setup until they are purchased and installed. Below you will find a cheap sand set. We will not accept metal weights, blocks or any other kind, they MUST be canopy weights. Safety is 100% an event priority.
6. In the event of a storm, or the night is over, we ask that you lower your tent/canopy and secure it for the evening, or you may choose to set up each day, this responsibility is at the sole discretion of you.
7. You are required to be insured, note we will not ask for it unless an issue does arise, so please have it handy in case of need.